Change colours for zones


Is it possible for the user to change the colours associated with different power zones (that appear on the planned workouts and 30 sec power charts)?

I’m looking to change it to match the colours Zwift use, purely to make it easy to compare at a glance.

Zone 1 is grey on Zwift, blue here.
Zone 2 is blue on Zwift, green here.
Zone 3 is green on Zwift, yellow here.
Zone 4 is yellow on Zwift, orange here.



that would be a nice setting (maybe even per sport? like in the power zone settings?)
that way one could “match” the colors of e.g. zwift, wahoo, garmin watches, …

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I think the current colours are spot on :rofl:
They ‘make sense’ and are intuitive. The harder it gets the more red they get

I’m missing also this possibility to define my “own coloures” for power zones.
And unfortunatly, it’s not logical and doesnt’t match the zones colours i.e. on Zwift or Garmin (computer).

+1 for this. I agree that the colours used on Intervals are intuitive, but I would still like the option to change them to match Zwift, as I’d find it easier to have consistency (even if Zwift’s colours don’t actually make much sense)

And thank you to David for all his wonderful work!


Agreed, intervals color scheme is the best - having the option for changing would be great for those that want to match other schemes though - brilliant idea

I second this.

I think the intervals.ICU colours are intuitive, but unfortunately the big players have chosen less intuitive colours and it would be nice to set our own custom colours to suit the platforms/eco systems we use and our coached athletes use most.

Colour coding workouts etc is quite helpful when the workout title and intervals might be identical but different zones and sometimes colour is the fastest way to tell the difference, besides titling, using tags, etc.

@david, any chance this is low hanging fruit for you?
Thanks again for your hard work. :ok_hand: