Calender Weekly trainingload in % or number

As in Topic it would be Nice to have the opportinity to Change between % or number to compare planned and reached TL .

If you tick the “Show compliance to plan” box in “Options” it will show % compliance for each activity and for the week. This is based on actual load vs planned load (or duration if load is not available). Or are you looking for something else?

Where the 19% is showing I would like the possibility to Change to 123 instead, so I can compare In numbers.
Maybe a minor issue, but for me it make sense.

@david, just starting with plans this week… I assume this is a minor thing I don’t understand, so I did not want to add a new topic.

I had two workouts planned for this week and I fulfilled both of them – and so the compliance on these two days is “checked” with a percentage >1 (100 %).
However, the weekly summary shows “non-compliance with plan”

Any idea what’s going wrong here?

The compliance is vs your total planned work for the week. So you did 6 x more riding training load than planned. Also your planned ride for the Sunday doesn’t have any training load so that doesn’t help things. If you capture load for that and add a couple of “backdated” planned workouts you can get it to match and go green.

I see – thanks! – it’s an “of course”, now😉

In case I missed this, too: Is there any documentation about these things, e.g., also the ranges for green/orange-compliance or non-compliance, and many other such details?

No docs unfortunately, just forum posts. I should probably do one explaining compliance, targets etc. and link to it from the app.

The colours for the % are as follows:

  • 80 to 120: green
  • 50 to 79 and 121 to 150: orange
  • anything else red
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