Cadence zones chart

would it be possible to have a cadence page on ride files to look at time spent in different cadence ranges?

I have added that to the todo list. I am planning on doing a quadrant analysis chart soon which is related to that. Like this one:


Hello David, has this been implemented?


There is a “Cadence distribution” chart that can be added on the power page from the “Charts” option at the bottom of that screen.

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Thank you, this is almost what I need!

Is it customizable in some way? I’d like to have also the cumulative time (as in the “Cumulative Time” for heart rate).

Yes, those charts are fully customizable. If you click the little pencil icon on the menu, and go to “script”, it shows what the software is doing.

If you’re not adept with javascript/graphing it might be tough to alter. But there are a bunch of other good example charts in the library to learn a bit from.

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