Bulk Workout Management

Hi David, I know you mentioned you were working on this, but do you have any sense for when bulk import/export of workouts might happen?
Thank you!

“Soon”. Its a “must have” for Intervals.icu to be a decent repository for data so it will get done.

I have been busy with some related performance improvements which will help with bulk editing.

Bulk import is done finally: Bulk import of ZWO, MRC and ERG files

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Similar feature request: Bulk workout editing? Say I have a workout in my library that I’ve spread across all my Mondays. Back when I made it I was training to HR, but now have power and want to edit ALL the workout instances to use power. I would love to be able to edit just the workout from the library and have the training calendar recognize that all my Monday workouts are linked to that library entry, and pull the updated workout once I hit save on the library instance. Like cleaner code management, it’d be sick to edit it in one place and have it update everywhere else.

You’ve Planned all future mondays for the rest of the year? Or you want the historical to change as well?

There’s an inherrent challenge with what you’re asking - when you change the workout in the workout library (it has an internal associated ID in the database etc) and it would apply to ALL the workouts that is planned / placed into the calendar. With what you’re asking, I think this would change all the historical workouts also to the new change. Is this OK?

Great question. The workouts I have are part of a 13-week program I made, so up to around 13 Mondays, for example, with decreasing number of future Mondays as time goes on. The functionality I would be looking for is to have updates to a library workout automatically update all future planned workouts that were placed on the training plan from that workout in the library. Updating a library workout should leave all linked past workouts as-is.

Based on this requirement, there’s a need to determine how the workout is mapped between the library and the one on the calendar.

Right now, from what I can tell, each workout on the training calendar is an independent Copy of the workout from the Library and not linked (i don’t see the same workout ID on the calendar as the one in the library)

For your request, may not be as trivial and may need a database mapping change.