Bulk Deleting Planned Workouts

How do I delete planned workouts, I was playing with the activities planner and decided planning months ahead was a good choice. It wasn’t how do I bulk delete the planned workouts? So I can go back and set planned targets for TSS and plan a week at a time which works better for me.

You can delete/clear a week at a time by clicking on the ‘Week #’ text on a given week.

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The Options → Delete Plan button will do what you want:

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Hi @david Currently doing some feature to adding workouts from my App. Hence, I am adding a lot of workouts to the calendar. While the above option works for Tomorrow → future, it doesn’t seem to work on today? Is it a timezone thing or something else?


I coded it to not delete today’s workouts. Bit dangerous to change that behaviour now.

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No worries. Good to know that this is the behaviour. My fix is just a simple - move (all the workouts) to tomorrow and then do the BULK Delete via your method