Building Workout with NP

hey folks, good day.

this might be a silly question and, sorry about it. I searched around but couldnt find any info. I need to build a workout and one of its steps is tied to lap’s normalized power, I am having a hard time getting it right into intervals syntax:

  • 60min 230w lap

I tried couple ways:

- Active 60m 230w 
- Active 60m 230w MMP
- Active 60m 230w NP
- Active 60m 230w power=lap

but none seems to be properly interpreted. can anyone please help me nail that down? thanks.

Normalized power is almost never given as a workout step. What device/workout platform are you using that supports it?

thanks by the reply @David_R - I’m using a Wahoo Roam as head unit and Cycling Analytics for coaching. Mainly using to build the workouts.

Wahoo doesn’t support NP as a target, only standard power. The best you can do is use that and then the NP display field on the roam. When you make the workout, put a note on the interval to target normalized.

Is the effort a steady state effort, or highly variable?
Is it indoors or outside.

@Gerald it’s steady, outside.

@David_R ahhh I’ve just checked my unit and you’re correct, no NP as target for planned workouts. I’ve just tried this on the workout:

- Active NP 60m 230w power=3s

However it fails to interpret (shows a blank step) and upload as well. What would be the correct syntax for this step, please?