Not sure if this is the right place, but TL;DR: fitnes/fatigue/form got really off the last few weeks while tapering. The numbers were pretty close to TP and Athletica until then but unfortunately couldn’t rely on Intervals for my taper. Is there a setting or something I did to cause this?
I just did IMAZ this weekend, and the weeks leading into it were a taper. Intervals seemed to have accurate load prior to taper (I’m winding down my TP subscription, and train with Athletica.AI, and compared to them), but taper weeks showed me in “high risk” with an insanely high load for the shorter / easier taper workouts.
Both TP and Athletica showed me on a taper with my form being in the positive, while Intervals showed me progressively overloading (of course the race itself should be dipping like it does, but the weeks prior are the issue):
It’s nearly the same GAP, the bottom is even a bit slower, but there is red and orange in the chart, which indicates it was a hard run (threshold and above), the first is turquoise, which means it is an easy run (recovery zone)
A load of 266 for a 1h23m run and also 206 for 1h04m indicates that your FTP is incorrectly set. what does the load show for HR? Click on the pencil icon to reveal the training load.
I’d ignore the power and see what the load would be with HR and how that changes your chart(s).
All my thresholds appear correct, I haven’t applied anything or edited anything in kilometers, and looks like the workout algo messed up. How do I report this accurately?