It seems that somehow, workouts get duplicated from TrainingPeaks
In the screen shot below, several workouts are displayed twice. Compare to screenshot from TP further down. Seems to happen also for past workouts, as well as future workouts
Did that start happening recently?
Yes, I didn’t notice it at the start, and maybe a week ago. Didn’t notice it when first using the features, but at least for the past week or so
Imported calendar items have unique uid’s assigned by the exporting service (TP in this case). uses those to avoid duplicating items on calendar refresh. I had a look at one of the dups “X-Train: Yoga: Upper Body Strength” on Sunday the 16th of Feb and there are two entries with different uid’s. I don’t know if you made some big plan changes on the TP side or something?
The view workout dialog shows when a workout was last updated from the external calendar. So you can use that date to delete the “older” duplicates that are no longer on your TP calendar. I can’t get rid of them automatically because the TP calendar leaves off old stuff.
If you delete the older dups they should stay gone and hopefully this goes away.
Yes, the problem seems to appear when i make modifications to the training calendar on TP.
if I delete the TP from calendar options, refresh, it goes away, then I add the calendar ics and it’s fixed. However, if I just hit ‘refresh’ it does not fix the problem.
There is a workaround, so not a major bug, better spend time adding new features, but still worth looking into when going through the calendar code at next opportunity.
Hmm. If this happens a lot I could refine my dup detection to look for identical name of workout on same day and keep newest. That should work.