Thanks for the app, I’ve tried it to sync Apple Health to for wellness data and well, I was wondering if there’s an option to incorporate sleep scoring. On the other hand, I don’t get breathing data either.
Sleep Scoring isn’t a metric which apple Health provides. As I understand it, sleep score is something which “other companies” provide and which Apple doesn’t as they have different thinking.
Honestly, i don’t want to go down this rabbit hole of analysing what makes a good sleep score (if there is a published research on it and is widely accepted, then yeah. let me know)
TLDR: " bear in mind that as it often happens, there can be large errors and high individual variability in estimates (nothing is measured here, the wearable can only try to guess when you are actually sleeping, as it is unable to measure what it should be measuring for this application to work reliably: your brain waves), and therefore data should not be trusted blindly."
i Kinda regretted asking this lolz
But will take a look when I’m done w/ Avg Sleeping HeartRate
Just read the linked re-cap and the conclusion on the research paper. It confirms what I thought as well, sleep based on wrist measurement is as trustworthy as my optical HR from my Garmin when doing HIIT / Run workouts
If the sync was successful. It would appear on your calendar. Eg above. You can see the weight. Sleep times and such on the calendar.
If you have issues. Please make sure that BreakAway has access to Apple Health. Apple designed it such that apps will fail SILENTLY if permissions are not granted. We don’t even know between permission x granted or just don’t have data.
I have a problem with sleep import. The old sleep data (beginning 2024 updated great). However, when I change the date range to e.g. end of 2024 it no longer imports anything. Entitlements assigned. Sleep recorded with watch no other apps recording data in health.