I track my weight with the following path: Withings scale > MyFitnessPal > Garmin Connect (> Intervals.icu).
In Intervals.icu I have turned on “Download wellness data” from Garmin, however it does not seem to pull my weight from Garmin.
I do not have “Update weight from Strava” turned on, because I can’t figure out how to sync it from Garmin to Strava.
Hope someone can help 
here you can find just about any possible way to sync between all availlable platforms
Hi. I tried the search function and did not find applicable solutions.
One solution perhaps could be a third party paid app to bridge between Withings and Intervals, but the data is already on Garmin which has an existing link with Intervals, therefore I’d rather find ways to make that link work instead of adding even more apps to the mix.
Oh, I missed the part, that you have the weight already in Garmin. That should in theory be pulled into intervals. Have you tried to “disable” weight in the Garmin Settings (on intervals) and reenabling them?
I had, but I tried again now. Will report again tomorrow (not sure how long the update cycle is for each app, so better wait a little).
It synchronises perfectly for me