Body Composition Scales

Which body scan scales link with

Was thinking of trying out The ultimate checkup of your body, for accelerated progress in physical fitness and the power of a clinically validated electrocardiogram. - Body Scan | Withings Or similar.
Any recommendations?


AFAICT, there’s none that will integrate fully / link with

Garmin Index Scale will link thru Garmin Connect and (some) wellness data is forwarded to

There’s also some scales that link to Apple Health, but again Apple Health doesn’t support ALL the data that most scales has. So feeding will also be spotty

You can try or I think there are other websites which will sync/link it

I really think all these kinds of scales - including Garmin - are just expensive gimmicks. They’re literally just guessing at the data outside of weight.

I was considering the Garmin but when you think rationally, you’re just adding to the consumption of unnecessary consumerism and environmental waste solving a problem that doesn’t exist.

Get a decent set of digital scales that are pretty cheap, any ones with good reviews about accuracy and longevity, and just type the weight number into your chosen app whenever you feel inclined. Takes 2 seconds.


I appreciate this comment - thanks :blush: :pray:t2:

I use a Xiaomi Mi Scale 2. The data are synced to Apple Health. Then I open the MyFitnessPal app afterwards. It takes the weight data from Apple Health and syncs them to Garmin Connect so can also read it.

In short:
Xiaomi → Apple Health → MyFitnessPal → Garmin Connect → Intervals

Works semiautomatically.

Apple health and My fitness pal are synced but syncing Garmin with my fitness pal doesn’t appear to be possible … can you explain how you do your sync?

I’ve had the Garmin and it was really wonky. You could do readings seconds apart and they could be wildly different. We, finally, just gave it to someone.

After a lot of searching, I landed on the Tanita RN-545 version and have, over many years, been very happy with it. It is kind of a PIA to get setup with connections and the like, but once that’s done, it works very simply (for me) and it seems to be quite accurate. At the very least, it’s consistent.

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I just Googled that Tanita :face_with_peeking_eye::cold_face:
400 euro. Yikes.

Not cheap… true. Given the cost of bikes and the fact that I live in Switzerland… that’s a couple of average dinners out in restaurants here… it feels less expensive for us. I think it was quite a bit less expensive when we bought it a few years back as well.

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We had gone old school with a mechanical scale but found it very inaccurate.

Tried a Withings and it had a different number every time I stepped on it.

Went with a Garmin and its solid.

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I’ve been swearing by Omron 4-point composition scales (BF-511 / HBF-516) for the last 15 years – they’re very close to clinical Tanitas in precision, at half to a quarter of the cost. Having 4 contact points (hands and feet) is quite important for a full-body assessment – as much as the runners and cyclists here would prefer for the upper body not to exist, it does. :wink:

I found WiFi/Bluetooth sync to be more of a gimmick that manufacturers use to market and charge extra for products that are sub-par (inaccurate) at performing their main job – measuring.

After each weigh-in, I input the data into the WeightLogger app (Android) which does a FIT file sync up to Garmin Connect for me (since Garmin doesn’t allow manual BodyFat% input in their app, because they want to upsell you the Index scale), and from there FitnessSyncer grabs it into nightly (Intervals currently only supports Weight but not BodyFat% for native Garmin Connect sync).

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Have you a link to the weight logger app please. Searched the Play Store but nothing showing with that name for me

I bought a super cheap one: Finether cf470BT
It bluetooth’s with my phone and then to apple health.
It always over reads by 1Kg the first time I use it, so I step on it once,
brush my teeth, and then activate the app and step on it again.

The readings are repeatable after that first try. I don’t know
how accurate the weight measurement, and as others say the
body fat etc numbers are mainly for amusement; though the trend
agrees with the gold standard.

“Can I get into my old jeans yet?” :slight_smile:

Uh-oh. Looks like the Weight Logger app is now gone from the official store for whatever reason.

It’s been in a bit of a sorry state since Garmin changed to OAuth-based authentication late last year – exporting to .FIT (and then manually uploading the file via the Import Data page on Connect Web) works, but direct upload to Connect does not.

There is a fork waiting to be merged into the main project on Github that solves this issue, but in order to run it you’d have to compile and side-load an APK. I would not recommend it unless you already know how to do that – best to wait for the dev to put it back up on the Play Store.

They are directionally accurate and help recognize trends. I did two DXA scans three years apart and both were off by roughly the same amount (-3%, -3.5%) vs the scale, so that is now my correction factor when using BF% from the scale going forward.

It’s very important to follow the same protocol when using BIA scales and measure at the same time of the day in the same circumstances, to avoid confounding factors. E.g – wake up, void (everything that needs voiding), weigh in… and only then have your first sip of water, take your shower, eat breakfast, etc.

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I’ve been using the Arboleaf CS20A. Works great and just $45.99. It will sync with Apple Health, Fitbit, and Google Fit.

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In the MyFitnessPal App: “More” section → Apps & devices → then choose Garmin connect and authenticate in Garmin connect.

This works for me