Under my profile information one day I manually added my resting HR to 65. Ever since then, the value from my profile information (the place where you add weight, unit types such as F or C for temps, etc) keep auto updating everyday to 65 day after day. The problem I am having is, I imported resting HR from Apple Health using HealthFit and my data is there from Apple Health. However, the data stopped syncing and is now overridden ever since I changed my resting HR in the profile page. How do I go back to having HealthFit update HR on a day to day basis? What’s even worse is, I synced all actives in Intervals.icu to the 65 HR on the profile page thinking it would somehow kick it out of it’s bug but now I lost all previously synced resting HR data from HealthFit and Apple Health. Can you delete all past resting HR data? Can I get HealthFit imported data to override all the old data? Thanks.
That’s what’s tough though, even though data is syncing from other sources such as HealthFIt, all workouts are auto filing to that 65 HR value which is what is on the setting page. The HealthFit data is being ignored and I can’t seem to figure out how to get it to override the settings placeholder.