Auto assign gear to activities using filters

Thank you, the problem is that the serial number of the powermeter is also dependent on the recording devices.

My setup:
2 bikes each a powermeter and 2 recording devices.
Each powermeter with each recording device generates a powermeter serial number.

So I have 4 different serial numbers that I have to assign to 2 different bikes.

Serial number 1 and 2 to bike 1.
Serial number 3 and 4 to bike 2.

Aha. This wasn’t something I considered. Maybe I could make it an OR if the same filter is repeated? I am trying to think if there are any use-cases for repeating a filter and wanting an AND.

We only need an OR if PM_serial occurs twice. I can’t think of a case where AND with 2x PM_serial is needed. But other repeated filters than PM_serial are needed with AND.

Or maybe it is something like:
PM_serial = PM_serial1; PM_serial2 possible from the one field. Then AND would be separated in one field with ; and OR over the second filter.

Do you have an example? I can’t think of any myself and it would be nice to solve this that way.

The simplest example can be several tags that must be fulfilled. That’s really individual.
But also there AND and OR would be useful to have. Possible via a checkbox for AND/OR?

Ah ok thats a good one. I could do it for duplicates of simple text substring fields like name and PM serial etc… … maybe … will think about it a bit. Could perhaps just allow " or " in text fields.

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This is interesting… I have 1 power meter and 2 recording devices and both seems to generate the same SN…

Both are Garmins tho… what are yours?

I am using the website ActivityFix to edit my Strava activities according to different rules.
I have two Garmin Speed Sensors on my two bikes. Depending on the Speed Sensor detected in the Garmin Fit File, the Gear for the Activity for Strava is updated. If my HR chest strap is detected, the elapsed time of all activities for which it has been used is written to the Strava private activity notes.

Would it be possible for to also track the distance, elapsed time, moving time, of all the sensors available in the Garmin Fit files?

For ActivityFix, all of it is done via Rules. For the HR Monitor, the elapsed time will be recorded no matter if the sensor is connected via Ant+ or Bluetooth.

For the rules, you can add sensors, which have to be added to ActivityFix first by uploading a fit file containing the corresponding sensor.

Other features, like automatically setting a ride to commute or adding starting and ending locations to the Strava activity title, are also possible.

Another app called ProBikeGarage also let`s the user create maintenance intervals for the respective gear used.

Different BLE and ANT+ id´s??

Not easily right now There is a limitation of one top level gear item per activity.

Garmin forerunner 955
And wahoo element bolt

Both with ant+

interestersing… i’m surprised that the SN will differ when recording from a Garmin vs a Wahoo… Tot it would read the same serial from the Power Meter. A SN Is supposed to be unique to the PM no? anyways… .No idea since I don’t have wahoo.

I relooked at your screenshot… it’s a garmin rally PM which lead me to

which seems to tell me that the PM SN should be unique. Is this SN being listed in your FIT file? is Garmin showing the right SN or the Wahoo is showing the right SN?

I’m not sure how my questions will fix your issue, but I ma genuinely curious to why 1 PM would generate 2SN that’s all. (cos it seems like this is the cause of you having issues w/ the gear assignation)

Hi David, for some reason the auto-assign function doesn’t work for my rides since 2 days.
Even though PM as well as PM serial No. is provided to the gear


and is also stored in the fit-file


any ideas?


I think there might be a race condition with activities also coming in from Strava. I have seen it once myself with my own data. I will try figure out whats up.,

thank you David,
it is still the same for today’s ride


Did you change the gear to none or is that how it ended up?

no, I have not changed the gear, it ended up empty despite the bike (Factor) is set as default for the power-meter.

I tried to reproduce this on my laptop without success (it worked with your file and settings). I have added more logging to try figure it out.

update from today’s ride:
don’t know why, but auto-asign worked today??

Have you done something miraculous do make this happen? :thinking:

I did make one small change that I thought might help but I wasn’t sure because I couldn’t reproduce he problem. I did add logging to help diagnose whats up if it happens again.