Athletes page activity list

The /athletes page now has tabs. The “Activities” tab shows the 60 most recently created activities from the last 2 weeks or so for all of your athletes in descending created date order. You can use the athlete tags to display activities for selected athletes.

The green badge on the first activity in the screenshot indicates that the activity has new comments. I also fixed a bug that was causing the comment notifications not to work on activities where the coach made the first comment.

Click the “Columns” drop down to choose activity fields for the table.


Could we perhaps have the option to sort by any of the columns (similar to in the Activities page)?

Seems like its sorting by upload date instead of activity date:


Yes the current sort is by upload date so new files appear at the top. I can add sorting by other columns but the list of activities will be the most recently uploaded ones.

Yea. Now that I think about the intended use of the feature, it definitely makes sense to bring attention to the most recently uploaded ones.

I just found it unintuitive as the column it is sorted by is not displayed.

Thank David, cool feature :raised_hands:t3:
Do you think it could be improved with a badge or directly the date of the last planned workout ? Just to see when the athlete is going to complete the plan?

Would there be a future option to use custom fields in this new view?
Workout compliance % would be a good one, to be able to see each athlete’s compliance at a glance.


You can use custom activity fields. You need to have the field yourself and it also needs to be added to each athlete so it gets computed with their activities. I am going to add compliance stuff @Nicola_Cardaci as well as that 2 week compliance view on a separate tab.


My knowledge of a custom field (using a script) is as much power I get when coasting. :blush:
I will wait for someone to create it, or share the code.

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Ah I see. I thought you already had a custom activity field for compliance :slight_smile: I am going to add that as a natively supported thing on that page.