Athlete notes toolbar

You can now edit athlete notes anywhere in the app. Click the notes icon next to the selected athlete to toggle the notes toolbar on/off. The editor saves automatically and has undo/redo. It supports formatting commonly available in markdown and the notes are stored as markdown text.

One annoying bug I still need to workaround: If you undo “too far” the text disappears. Just redo to get it back.


Great :+1:t2:
Notes are visible both for coach and athlete or just for who write?

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Notes written by the logged in user are only visible to that user. So the coach and athlete have separate notes only visible to themselves.

If you and I both follow or coach “Joe Soap” then we each have our own separate notes for “Joe Soap” only visible to ourselves. “Joe Soap” can capture his own notes for himself and those are only visible to him.


Great job @david :clap:

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Tx. And thank to @steve_neal (his idea).

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