When calling the API with my ID (masked with *) https://intervals.icu/api/v1/athlete/i*****/activities.csv
I’m getting back only 6 entries (always the same 5 entries from 2020, and one from 2022)
– I used to get back all my activities
When I call it for another user, it works without a problem
on the activity page they have (compared to others) an upload tag with a strava link next to it
“~ Upload ~ Strava”
As they are quite old, I don’t recall where they are from. But all entries are rides
I read the remark on the settings page, but it didn’t really explain to me why
I can’t see my own activies sourced by strava?
(due to their policy change?)
Upload means that an activity was manually uploaded to Intervals besides the Strava import. Intervals will then use the uploaded file for all activity streams and sync naming and some other things from Strava. This means that the ‘original’ activity data is NOT the Strava data and that can be forwarded by the Intervals API.
You are allowed to view your own activity data on Intervals, no matter where it comes from, including Strava, but Intervals can not forward data from Strava through the API. If that happened, the receiving side could do with the data what it wants. And that violates Strava’s new rules, even if it is your own data…
Your only way out is to download a full Strava history which will get you the original data-file, and upload that on Intervals. Things have been made user-friendly by David, check the Strava connection settings.