Altitude - Gradient - VAM charts

Hi everybody,

I always experience a spike in my Altitude / Gradient / VAM charts, at the very beginning of each activity.
I cannot fix that funny data, so it always shrink down tha values (Y-axis) scale and the graph is quite unreadable (almost flat).

Any idea of how can I fix that? Is it my Gramin or Strava privacy zones?



Do you have a unit with barometric sensor?
If so, you need to acclimate the unit for a few minutes before starting the recording. Turn on your unit a couple minutes before you get started to allow it to adapt to a stable temp.
My Garmin 830 has much less problems with this than my older Edge 705. Display height and wait for it to get to a stable value. Then start recording and you should be good.

I’ll give it a try… Thank you for the tip!


Otherwise, if this is just for a couple of seconds, you may consider cropping the activity? Or use strava’s adjust elevation?

Please send me a link to one of those and I will have a look. It might be something I can recognise and fix automatically.

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Hi David!

Here’s the link:

I wonder if altitude data can be fixed manually (I didn’t find that option though) or if I can crop the activity (I’m asked to crop it in Strava).

Thank you so much!

Unfortunately the data is “real” in that its not null or something I could detect and skip over:

time watts cadence heartrate distance altitude
0 185 59 91 5.0 163.8
1 199 63 93 10.3 170.6
2 219 65 94 15.6 172.4

Altitude isn’t an editable field currently and that would be a pain to do every time. I suggest try cropping it a little on Strava and in future try waiting a little bit for altitude to stabilise as @MedTechCD says.

Thank you David. I’ll give it a try!
Helpful as usual, great job!