Age group weight and training time on /power page

The /power page now includes age group based weight distribution and training time:

Screenshot 2025-03-17 at 12.06.19

The week number is the average hours (moving time) per week for the time period for the sport.

I am going to look at adding a hours per week vs eFTP plot.


source of this data?

The last 84 days of power data from everyone in the selected group on In the screenshot that is approx 15900 male athletes aged 50-59. Doesn’t include people without power data in the last 84 days.

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What’s the point of just weight? Is everyone the same height?

I am going to add height to athletes soon but do not have it yet. Also personally I know I am approx average height around here (183cm) so it’s nice to know I am on the 20-25% percentile for weight.

could we please get rolling age brackets (age+/- 5 years)?

How do I get this to show fully?

All of the age brackets are pre-computed so it’s not easy to do a rolling window like that.

Hmm. does outlier detection and your weekly hours are way into the outlier zone (!). I will tweak things a bit.

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I now commute 10 hours a week so all my real training is after that. Guess it skews me a bit.

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Hello @david, could you look into my hours/week, seems a bit off…

It´s per sports category.

I just fixed that. It wasn’t counting activities for the sport without power.

Thanks a lot!

I have fixed some problems with the totals data (was including athletes not see in a while which was skewing hours per week) and added a training load histogram:

Now only athletes active on in the last 28 days are included in the totals.

I made the hours and load charts much more tolerant of outliers on the high end so hopefully you fit now.


Perfect. Cheers.

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It does make me have another thought though. It would be good to be able to define the cohort to compare with. Comparing with just other people in my age group compares me with people who do one ride a week etc. I’d like to be able to select things like, other people who use a power meter, cycle more than 10 hours a week, cycle further than 200km more than 6 times a year, etc.


Looks good to me, except my ovarall weekly time and load for cycling. Don’t know if I have a corrupt file somewhere in the history, but I can’t seem to find it. Any idea?


183 cms is pretty tall for an average? Just above 6’ I would think 178 cms would be closer to an average?

You can probably find it using the activity list view. Add “Load” as a column and sort descending. Then check a year at a time.


Thank you for the reply. I tried to filter with the list, but no luck. I tried to filter by load and also tried by duration. All my cycling activities since the first recrorded does not even add up to 697 hours…

It could also be a batch of file that has no date and would then all be counted on a same default date value. Would they appear in the list?

Is there a way to know which week is taken into account for the calculation?