Additional Coloring on Power page

I previously requested the blue-coloring shown on the Power page to indicate in which season you had your best effort for n-seconds of effort. This feature is awesome and I’ve been using it a lot, thank you!

To expand, another use-case I’ve been finding is that I want to know if a ride is my best effort in the current season. My ride might be my best of all time, but for the current season it was a relatively stand-out ride and nice to see as a smaller accomplishment.

Use-case is that not all seasons are the same. My fitness changes over time, and the ride style changes (shorter indoor racing in winter, longer outdoor intervals/racing/endurance rides in summer).

I provided an example in this screenshot. In the below, the blue indicates that this ride (left column) had my best 2m30s and 3m power of all time (circled in blue, and properly colored in blue), however my 2m and 4m power were my best for this season despite it not being my best of all time.

Probably the easiest way to handle this is to apply a sequential coloring, 1) greatest of all time = blue, 2) greatest of season (if not of all time) = green.