Add decoupling as an activity field?

I’d like to have the decoupling %-age for the ride among the metrics somewhere up top of an individual activity page. I’m pretty sure it was there when I started using Intervals a while back but no more.

I’m most likely missing out on something very basic as usual, can someone set me straight?

No, those are unfortunately not my numbers :upside_down_face:

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Agreed. I am almost certain it used to be there too but maybe I’m wrong

I don’t remember it being there…but you can do this with a Custom Activity Field

I think the following code should work…

decoupling = activity.decoupling

That will take the calculated decoupling on the Activity Power Page and put it at the top of main page of every Activity

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Nice one. Thanks! I have that done for max session power. Never thought to do it for decoupling

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Fantastic! Great :+1: That turned out to be the proverbial piece of cake. I’ve been struggling with some real basics for setting up “my” Intervals and twice now in a short while I’ve passed two, IMO, important hurdles in understanding the interface and creating customized pages.

So I’ve now added my first script, an excellent and very easy intro down a long and winding path. Really nice, thank you very much.

Just a short follow-up, see the screen capture from setting the script. I’m not in that bad a shape. What is the 42/42% about? A default number for seeing what a certain color will look like when applied?


It is indeed an example of how it will show up with number format, units, pre/suffix and text colour.
The number itself is totally arbitrary.

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