Hi! I wonder if it would be possible to add activity tyoe “other” to activity types in the settings menu. There are multitude of options already, however,I usually record my sauna with my Garmin,and it records as “workout”. As I do gym strength training too,and it is “workout” as well, I’ve set the fatigue and fitness percentage to 100% (muscular endurance training to support cycling training). Thing is,I’d like to set the sauna to have separate fatigue / fitness percentages (50%/0% respectively) as it doesn’t add to fitness,but somewhat adds to fatigue. It’s quite a miniscule issue though,twice a week sauna gives me 40 mins overall,and about 25 TSS based on HR,so it’s not the end of the world
Hmm. Probably the easiest is to just use a another type of activity you don’t do much (Yoga?)? Its actually a bit of work to add a new activity type.
Roger that Apparently, sauna time might as well be my yoga time too. Although, I have to start Yoga first
Hi @david I can’t add new activity types nor update the type of activities already in the table.
I want to add Alpine Ski into the table but I can’t.
Thank you in advance for you help.
Hmm I could add that ok? I did have one issue in that that dialog would disappear if you didn’t click the ok quite right but I have fixed that so please give it another try.
After clicking on “Ok” button, nothing happens
Hmm I just logged in as you and added it. You need to edit the percentages though. What browser are you using?
I just did and the “Alpine Ski” line disappeared. I’m using Chrome on a Macbook.
What percentages did you try set?
100 and 100, which are the default ones (when I click Default)
Aha. Thats what you get if there is no row. So if you click “Default” or enter 100/100 and click ok it deletes the row from the table. Sorry that is a little unclear.
Ok clear ! So I don’t need to add line if for 100%/100% sports!