Activity routes beta testing needed

Hi @david
Thanks for this feature. Could you look at these two rides from this week?
Roue ID 177984 and 74684 (activities i62928366 and i62801410). It should be the same route, but didn’t match. And didn’t find the reanalyse function for routes only (thought it was under action > analyze). Maybe it would be good to be able to force two activities to be the same route.

The finish points of those are far enough away from each other to match different routes.

For routes only it is Actions → Analyse and then tick “Only find routes”.

I have been thinking about that. Haven’t come up with a nice way to do it.

I know it was there, but at the moment it looks like this:

What is the max. distance between activities of start and end points?

Ah sorry it’s only on the activity list view dialog. Also it won’t change the route for an activity that already has one. It will find routes for activities that do not already have routes.

Approximately 100m. I am considering making this quite a bit bigger and letting the rest of the matching algorithm choose the route (distance check, how many route points more than 100m away from activity).

I did a race today that didn’t match the 2023 edition because the start and finish points were slightly different. But that should disqualify a 100km route from matching. The longer the route the less you care about how exactly the start and end matched.

If I do change that I will need to wipe all the routes again.

I have added that. You need to enter space separated route IDs.

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great - thank you! :slight_smile:
One more Question - is there somehow a possibility to rename multiple activities?

Or maybe a 1-time Action to rename already existing Activities too - not only new ones? :thinking:

Maybe show in the edit route dialog a list with „nearly“ matched other routes, so that the user could map it to the existing route.

Something like a “manual override” on a per-activity basis? That could work well for edge cases.

Alternatively, what about a “link Route IDs” option? This could allow users to manually group related activities under one parent route, with its child activities linked together, regardless of whether they match perfectly.
This way, the system would stay flexible for cases where automated matching isn’t ideal.

The problem is that if an activity doesn’t match an existing route automatically then a new one is created. So new activities will always match the new route. So the user would need to keep having to change it. It would be better if the route matching was “correct” (subjective unfortunately) for most people which is what I am aiming at.

I have added “Apply Route” to the Edit menu on the activity list page:

It is also on the “Actions” menu on the activity route tab:

The dialog:


Didn’t thought of that. But the idea with child elements wouldn‘t have this drawback.

Then I don‘t understand why these two routes didn‘t match.
I‘ve merged these two activities to measure the endpoints, and these are about 25m away from each other (the length of a building).

Is this distance between end points relative to the distance of the whole activity? Short ride > short distance of end points to match?

Looking at that orange line, it seems that I have to much forest nearby. Because of that, GPS data is really inaccurate, and therefor it is not perfectly matching?

I had another look at this and the one on the 22nd should have got the same route as the one on the 21st. I deleted the route from the 22nd and re-did the matching and it matched the 21st route. So I think this was something I already fixed.

The orange route path is a simplified version of the GPS track from the activity the route was created on. Only the vertexes are checked and they need to be within 100m of a point from the new activity to match. The 22nd activity matches the route from the 21st exactly.

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Thanks for the effort @david , but I also find some routes the same but which are seen as “different”…
MY opinion for alternative : In the list view we could select the routes to be forced with selections by click, In the edit menu you create a “force to…” and once clicked , the unique list of our routes appears where we select the one to use as a template. These “forced” routes will be flagged as “forced” and cannot be modified.

Could you please post the activity IDs. I need to check that the difference is “expected” behaviour.

Perfect route matching would, of course, be the gold standard, but unfortunately, it’s impossible to cover all edge cases. If “linking” could be implemented at the “Route ID” level, it wouldn’t matter whether the new track gets assigned to the original route or the new one—since the Route IDs would be linked.

Without knowing the exact implementation details, this is probably how I would approach the problem … ^^

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10858 and 10870…
10858 appears to have an orange trace that does not coincide with the red one and for me they are the same routes

Those two are too different. One goes a bit further north and takes a different route near Bergamo.

I think linking routes is the way forward.


Why in this track, the orange line does not follow the red line?

If you look at the 10858 tracks made on November 10th 2024 and December 25th 2024, the orange tracks are different, even if the route is always the same


The orange track is the simplified route and the red one is the activity. In the top picture the activity just matched the route (10 out of 10 allowed missed route points). Unfortunately by allowing a percentage of errors along the route this might happen.

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You can now merge routes from the activity list view and the route list view:

Choose which one to keep. You can’t merge routes that are not similar to prevent user error. I have fixed the “0 activities” bug below but not deployed yet.

Delete (replaced) routes are shown with a line through in the routes list:

You can undelete a route by clicking it and choosing undelete.

If there aren’t any problems with this I am going to wipe all the routes, reprocess routes for all supporters and take this live (finally!).


@david - just tried to merge Route 10194 and 10390 - but got Error:


I just wiped out the route data. You need to reload the app. I am about to deploy a job to compute routes for everyone’s recent activities. So wait an hour so and you should have things to test with.