Activity routes beta testing needed


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During my ski tour today I had a few thoughts about this Feature that might improve its accuracy and flexibility.

1. Dynamic Route Averaging for Better Matching:
Currently, the first recorded activity on a route is used as the reference for future matches. Would it be possible to automatically create an averaged version of the route after, say, 10, 20, 50, or 100 recorded activities on the same path? This averaged route could serve as a more accurate reference by smoothing out GPS inaccuracies and improving matching consistency.

2. Segment-Based Route Detection:
Another idea—though possibly more complex—is allowing routes to recognize segments within multi-sport activities. For example, when recording a ski tour with Garmin, the ascent and descent are treated as separate parts (segments/intervals). It would be great if the route feature could detect and match specific segments, like consistently recognizing the ascent route while allowing variability in the descent.
But I guess that’s already too much Segment like … :-/

Just some ideas that came to mind!

Thanks, Greetings from Tirol!

Yes I am considering averaging tracks on routes to produce a better route.

I have just added the activity table. It shows the 30 “closest in date” activities and the one you are looking at. It is highlighted in the table. Click “Show All” to see everything. This isn’t the default because hundreds of activities take a while to load, especially on mobile.

The default columns depend on the sport and screen size but you can customise them.


I think in general, this feature isn’t super relevant for me, since I very pointedly do different routes every time I’m on the bike. So 99% of my rides would have their own route. One thing that could be interesting from my pov might be having a page showing me routes that I have either ridden more than once and/or routes I have manually given a name (indicating I find them interesting in some way).

Great job @david
Is there a way to delete a track I previously created?

Are you planning to make any more changes to improve track detection?


Definitely going to have a page like that somewhere.

Tx. Not currently. Is it a bad one? Please msg me a link to the activity if so.

I am currently happy with the route matching algorithm.

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This is really cool! It’s something I’ve wanted for years on many other platforms. Preliminary tests are producing pretty good results AFAICT. I use a unique code for all my routes and add that code to ride/run names whenever I do one so I can easily search by the code to find all the times I’ve done route XYZ (e.g. “#DC04” tells me it’s from location “D”, sport is C-ycling, route #04). I re-analyzed about 20 activities for Routes and the matching worked in every case!

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No @david , no problem with the route, I only asked because I couldn’t find a “delete” button.

First version of the progress chart is up:

I haven’t implemented selecting what to plot yet but you will be able to do that. Currently for rides it shows average speed and HR. For other activities it shows average pace and HR.

Not sure if I should add a right axis for the second plot (if any)?


Nice work - confirms I pushed on round Hairy Cows today as I was late for a meeting!!

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I have added the option to choose what goes on the chart and trend lines. You can also do Actions → Compare and so on. This is starting to look done enough to turn on for all supporters.


This is looking awesome. We really need someone to custom code the CdA calc now too and we can do some good TT analysis :nerd_face:


If I´m right, this function will never work for acivities which starts and end at same location if I don´t run same track each time. It makes the routes, in my case, for completely different runs, but with same distance.
Please @david , I will appreciate option to (batch) delete routes, because playing with it messed me the routes completely :slight_smile: . Or please, delete all my routes from my account and I will do it again with more precise filtering of activities. Thanks!

You had some bad routes from an early version of this feature. I have re-done routing on all of your activities that had a route.

You don’t have to run exactly the same track, there can be some missed points.

It´s much better now! Thanks!

Really like this new feature. It does generate more routes than I would like though. I think this is due to having one mountain bike with a wheel speed sensor and other without. The twisty nature of the mtb course causes the mileage from the gps only bike to be lower than that from the wheel speed sensor equipped bike. The gps traces lay on top of each other, it would be nice to able to classify these as being the same route.

Thanks for all your hard work on this app, I was a Golden Cheetah user but have now fully switched to


I have added the first version of the “all routes” page. There is a new icon next to the activity list view that shows all routes:

You can click column headers to sort. Click the “Type” or “Most Recent” cells to navigate to the routes tab for the most recent activity on the route. The map icon toggles map display for the most recent activity.

I still need to add some filtering and CSV download.


hey that’s great! :slight_smile:

Reminder: Filter for Routes/Route ID on Activities Page :wink:
(would like to Filter out some Routes - to rename all the Titles …)

Now, It is not possible to have a ranking (based on elapse time, moving time, speed or another data…) on the same route as all users . You could create a consent for all users to be able to share their tracks

Another interesting option, would be to analyze the routes as intervals currently run, but allow the user to “force” the same or similar routes, so as to have fewer routes that are similar but displayed as different in