Activity missing Garmin data - how to force to sync with Garmin?

I have an activity from today that originated in Garmin. It’s something I do everyday. Right after the activity was done, I went to look at it in Intervals as I often do, and there were errors about Garmin syncing that I had never seen before. I figured it was a temporary issue that would right itself later.

It appears the activity later synced from Strava (I have Garmin syncing to Strava). Usually this particular activity shows up in Intervals for me with links to the Garmin and Strava sources. In this case it is only showing up with the link to Strava. In this particular case it’s a weight-training activity and normally it will get the kilograms lifted from Garmin but in this case I had to enter it manually into the Intervals activity.

I’m just curious if this happens in the future again if there’s a way I can force the activity to sync with Garmin? I tried going into settings and reimporting for today from Garmin but that didn’t do it.

Garmin make it very difficult to fetch old activities. The easiest way to download the fit file from Garmin Connect and use the “Upload” button on the calendar page.

I can see 3 weight training activities on your calendar on Monday. One from Strava and 2 from Garmin.

Yeah it was that one from Strava. So interestingly, I tried to import the fit file from Garmin and it did nothing so I deleted the activity and I tried again and it again did nothing. I then exported from Strava and that did upload.

I’m fine but I wonder if you might want to look at the file from Garmin since it seems to me perhaps it was some kind of silent error happening. The progress bar on the upload did show 1 of 1 completed. I did look at the fit file enough just to see that the date and time were correct.

A ‘deleted’ activity will not show up again unless you choose ‘Show deleted’ in the Options. You then can ‘undelete’.