Go to totals tab at the bottom
At the top click Select Activity Type
You have probably just cycling, not cycling and also virtual cycling. Turn on those other types of cycling or enable them all whatever works for you
Go to totals tab at the bottom
At the top click Select Activity Type
You have probably just cycling, not cycling and also virtual cycling. Turn on those other types of cycling or enable them all whatever works for you
Thanks, I have done that, but still no Zwift data. I also connected intervals.icu directly with Zwift now.
I’m not sure how far back the Zwift integration goes to get historical data, or if it’s going forward only. Does anyone else know?
I used RunGap for many years to sync Zwift to intervals.icu, but now I use the direct Zwift integration.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Super helpful. I’m packing up the 1.1.1 release now and it should be available in the App Store within a couple days. The change notes will be:
By the way, I see Concept2 as an account option in Rungap. Is that the creator of ErgData? I’m not very familiar with the rowing app ecosystem. If you’re not familiar, RunGap works with any type of activity, not just running, so the name can be a little misleading. It supports a pretty large number of services and can easily become your central hub to share from anywhere to anywhere. I don’t have a need for it now but it worked great for me for a long time. There is a yearly cost but the developer is really great about keeping all the various connections working reliably, and that, I’m sure, is time consuming.
App looks great so far, much faster than adding to my compare report in the web app; however, I’m seeing an issue. I dual record most events, in intervals.icu I select to ignore the distance, hr, pace, etc from the second recording as appropriate. On runs for example I leave the power active from my watch, bike rides the gearing data from my watch as well. Anyway I’m really looking for a nice way to show my running distance progress and in your app it is including the distance from events I’ve told the web app to ignore distance from.
Interesting! I was just looking at the API documentation and I do see flags that sound like this purpose: icu_ignore_time, icu_ignore_power, icu_ignore_hr, icu_ignore_velocity, icu_ignore_pace, and a structure for icu_ignore_parts. I do not see anything for distance, but suspect it’s using the time flag for both.
If you can confirm that this is the option you’re using, I should be able to pull that into the app and use it as part of the totals time and distance calculations. I also believe this is the only ignore option that should be taken into account on the totals screen, but correct me if I’m wrong.
That sounds right, except you also have elevation on the totals page and there isn’t an explicit ignore for it. The main one says time, distance, load and should likely include elevation.
That makes sense. I was experimenting with some of my data and I see form changing when I have it turned on. I notice the label mentions load as well, so I’ll zero that out if it’s enabled too.
I’m going to add some visual indicators to the activity list and activity details if the ignore flag is enabled.
This was actually pretty easy to incorporate. If everything above sounds right I can get v1.1.2 in the release pipeline today. I wasn’t aware of this feature before, so it’s nice to learn something new about intervals too.
Really nice app! Great graphs, really clear and easy ways to see where I’m up to on my phone.
One request I have is to be able to update activity names/descriptions. The most regular thing I do is change the name or add a description after an activity.
Many thanks!
This is incredible. Thank you so much. I have downloaded and given permissions but my totals and activities aren’t loading. I have no activities except some manual ones I put into Intervals.icu … does it not populate past activities? Thanks.
Oh BTW - all my vitals have synced just not my activities.
Looks great now, thanks! I see the yellow activity icon for ignored data too in the activity list. I’m otherwise struggling with what to do with that tab. It would be cool if I could use this to apply the ignores.
It sounds like you’re using Strava to sync data to Intervals. This comes up a lot, read a few posts up about it. Short version: Strava changed their policies and any data synced to intervals.icu cannot be shared via their data api. You won’t see that data in any of the Intervals apps that have been built. Use direct connections to intervals from Garmin, Wahoo, Zwift, etc instead, or use an app like RunGap or HealthFit (for Apple activities) to sync data. You can’t use Strava as your data hub anymore, they own everything you send there regardless if you recorded it with their software or something else. I have a big gap in my history now because of it too.
I recommend everyone let Strava know how they feel about this. I personally chose to stop my 10+ year subscription over it. Data ownership and openness is one of the many reasons I like Intervals.
One thing I thought about while creating this was where to draw the line for functionality. It was a pretty large amount of work to build what I currently have working, especially being brand new to Xcode and Apple’s development environment and tools.
My original goal was as slim of an iOS app as possible to facilitate the widgets and watchOS app, with enough info displayed to be somewhat useful. I originally was not going to have graphs in the app but realized I can write that code once and reuse it in widgets and the watchOS app. So the iOS app built up over time with the interactive fitness graph, the Activity list view, Vitals and then the Totals screens. Activities especially could have a lot added to them. I’m open to ideas of what would be useful to see there, I simply grabbed fields that I thought would make sense to show for quickly glanceable info. I probably need to rethink the layout of that screen completely.
Going down a path of being a full replacement for the website with editing screens starts to become a lot of work. It might be possible to provide some editing capability for frequently changed fields though. Someone has mentioned activity title and description being useful to edit as well.
Oh great - and sorry, I should have read the thread a little more closely.
Tried to install on MacOS but I can’t login.
When I start the app, I get two windows. One is a new chrome window which asks me to login and me give permissions. When I login, I leave the permissions and default and click OK. I get a small popup to open the “intervals companion app” and click OPEN. Now the second window comes to the front which says “logging in…” and it stays at this forever.
When I close the first window (chrome), The second window immediately gives an error “Permission required, unable to login”.
Interesting. Logging in initially via macOS is untested functionality. If you login first from an iPad or iPhone that uses the same iCloud account, and iCloud keychain syncing is enabled, it should store your credentials securely in the keychain and start working in macOS.
I’m interested to know if changing your default browser temporarily to safari would help. I’m pretty sure the login needs to happen in an embedded browser window within the app for the login handshake to work.
Very nice companion app.
What I dont’t understand however (but I did not look into detail yet): my fitness numbers are completely different then those in intervals.icu itself…
If you go to the settings in the app what is the Form Display set as? I believe it defaults to ‘percent of fitness’, which may not match your setting on intervals.icu which I think defaults to the absolute number.
I thought about keeping the app setting in sync with the user setting, but I also like the easy ability to change it back and forth in the app.
It’s perfect like this, it confirmed my feeling of being tired → in the ‘risk’ zone
While based on the absolute values; everything is ‘optimal’.
But as such it might be giving different interpretations.
In any case, load / TSS is limited anyway…