What is the percentage field in the calendar?

What is the percentage field in the calendar?Screenshot_1
106% on a green background. I only have two trainings, here and 139% on an orange background.

Its how well your activity matched what you have on your training plan. The percentage looks at training load vs plan or moving time vs plan if training load is not available. The colour depends on how well it matches.

I am still fiddling with this hence no Tweet or anything yet. Not happy with the look. Makes calendar messy.

In fact, I even forgot that I once planned my trainings :slight_smile:

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I accidentally moved a planned workout to an earlier date, and suddenly this percentage appeared. But I can’t find the planned workout, so I can move it “back to the future” so to speak :slight_smile:
Please help.

I found out how to do it: In Activities click Options and tick (or untick) "Show past planned workouts"for visibility for planed WOs. And “Show compliance to plan” for the percentage to show or not.

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