Weight + resting HR no longer syncing

Just noticed while looking through my activities that weight and RHR stopped syncing sometime around Feb 13. Every activity uploaded since then has had the same weight and RHR listed since Feb 12. I have been using Fitness Syncer to sync weight from Apple Health to Strava for quite some time with no issues. Not sure what happened to break it.

You need to make sure the update weight from Strava box is ticked in /settings if you are getting weight via Strava:

Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 06.02.48

But I see you have FitnessSyncer connected to Intervals.icu so it was providing the weight? I don’t currently have logging for wellness calls made by connected apps so I can’t see what it is doing. Try contact them and see if they can help. I will add logging for wellness updates from apps.