Me Likey
@david how can I disable pushing this description to strava? Is there any option? (I couldn’t find it)
I love this feature more-and-more, @david. Would it be difficult to have the possibility for the map-view to decorate it with other type of (alternative) (numeric) data overlaid beyond temperature and wind speeds ?
Such as speed, or HR, or elevation grade?
It would be great for understanding race performance, for example, like for this quite long (315km) earlier exercise-race of mine:
I could look around and see, whether I was struggling at a given point due to terrain (say due to a 2…3km long sneaky bastard 1…2% percent uphill), or due to headwind, or due to overheating (very common for me).
Or (conversely) whether I was excelling at a given segment not because of my excellent fitness but simply due to some subtle backwind, or a slight-but-long-and-persistent downward slope (say 1…2% for 2…3 km).
This would be soo good…
You can get some of that via the interval stats. It is quite challenging to put stuff on the map without making a huge mess and the weather points are quite widely spaced.
Hi! As I understand it, the right wind rose shows the wind relative to where the rider is going, but assuming the rider stands still. So the riders speed is not taken into account here?
Say I go 30kph South with a 30kph wind from the East, the relative rose will show 30kph left. Not, umh maths, 42kph from left-front?
If not the second, I’ll make that a feature request as third wind rose
It’s always the wind speed only relative to your direction without taking in account your speed. So it is the first one.
Well, what I was thinking to make the decoration with numeric data configurable, say, with a list of possible data (including the current one, i.e., wind and temperature data, plus a number of others I mentioned, like GAP-speed, like HR, etc.))
What I say is to limit the number of visible data item decorations on the arrows (say, keep the limit to 4, like the current setup), but make the actual content shown on those 4 positions user-selectable from a list of alternatives…
One data.display per lap (say 5k, or 10 laps) would be nice, but the frequency of the arrows are already configurable, IIRC…
Hi. How can i change the location of the weather on activities??
From Madrid to another city.
Very cool feature!
Can the temperature overlay on the map use the device temperature instead of the forecasted one? Is there an option for this?
And is there a way to disable the weather for indoor rides?
Tx. Weather should only be done for outdoor rides. Do you have an indoor ride with weather?
I will see if I can add device temp as an option.
Got confused on the indoor ride, sorry!
Looking forward to the device temperature, thanks!
Awesome and quick, thanks!
This is awesome! I’ve loved having it auto-populate on my Strava activity notes. Makes me wonder if other metrics can be added to Strava notes, like custom metrics calculated in Intervals? Kinda like what ActivityFix does. Sorry a bit of a tangent from the topic but just an idea.
I am a bit disappointed as I have as a coach just realized, that in order for me to check out this feature the athlete has to be a supporter as well. I think it should be a way for coaches, who are supporters, to get access to all the features in order to analyze the activity completely.
If weather was enabled for everyone I would have to signup for a much more expensive package with the weather data provider and servers would be under heavier load and so on. So that is one of the reasons why it is a premium feature. It is a similar story with the upcoming routes feature.
Also I need to persuade more people to become supporters somehow. offers a great deal for free and I don’t want to take any of that away.
What I am going to do at some point is make it possible for people to “sponsor” other athlete’s. Then you could pay for your athletes and recover that into the fees that pay you.
Thanks for supporting!
Could someone explain what the yaw angle means?
I understand ‚wind direction’ and ‚bearing‘. ‚A Wind‘ is the difference from both. But what is yaw angle?
And @david would it be possible to have ‚A Wind‘ as an accessible interval field for custom fields? And would it also be possible to get access to the weather streams (especially the ‚A Wind’ stream) for custom stream? I didn’t find them under Server side data model for scripts
I have updated the docs. The new streams are: heat_strain_index, weather_temp, feels_like, wind_speed, wind_gust, wind_deg, bearing, apparent_wind_deg, yaw, secondary_power.
I think this is a good explanation of yaw angle: “It’s the result of the force of the natural wind combining with the force of the headwind that you’re creating for yourself by riding forwards.”