Sync garmin connect impossible to have my activities


I try to sync my old activities from garmin connect but it doesn’t work. I try to disconnect and connect again and nothing is changing.

Is there someone to help ?

Thank you very much !

Are your Garmin activities from Zwift or a non-Garmin device? Garmin doesn’t pass those on to You can use the “Import All Garmin Data” button in the Garmin box in /settings to get all Garmin data.

Garmin is rejecting the calls to get your data as duplicates. Did you maybe use with a different account in the past?

I met the same issue these days. I tried the first and second button but it seems not work. (i.e. download activities or health data)
All i got is a notice me downloading. 2-3 days from now and nothing happens.

oh i saw ‘Unfortunately Garmin are very strict with calls to load old data and do not allow duplicates’.
Got it!


Also I found that it was pulling data from If i am using then there is nothing i can see here. OMG.

You can request a full download from Garmin.
Instructions are in this topic:

I have just fixed an issue with the full Garmin download import. Sometimes the activities are in DI-Connect-Uploaded-Files and sometimes in DI-Connect-UploadGDPR (grrr!). Now both will work. So please try again if it didn’t work before.

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Hi david! Is it possilbe syncing from instead of .com ? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have mailed Garmin developer support to find out.

I have applied for access to Garmin cn data. Its on completely different systems presumably so it all stays in China. Still have to see how much work it is to support.

Thank you vy much for all the effort! :love_you_gesture: