Strava from Edge not working

Hi, thanks first of all for the great website. Since last week my Edge recorded activities are no longier available. Zwift through connect works. Download old data also doesnt help. Upload connect zip nothing happens. Importing into a manual workout i get this message No workout_step messages found. Any help would be appreciated


interesting… zwift(automatic upload ) → connect → shouldnt work. (GC doesn’t fwd out data recorded on non-garmin devices)

Completed workout downloaded from GC and uploaded manually into doesn’t work is what you’re saying correct? Did you look at the ZIP ( and it has data that can be displayed?

Manual workout doens’t accept completed workout files. And when you say importing, I’m assuming workout builder? A Completed workout may not have any workoutsteps embedded inside. HEnce it can’t find any to show.

and GC → Strava → doens’t work you’re saying and none of the manual uploads work? Really interstsing

A bit of a schlep, but if you download the original file in GC (the one from Zwift), then delete it (on GC), and upload again to GC it will push through to Intervals, as well as other, linked, 3rd party apps. Strava sees it as a duplicate and doesn’t process it. I’m not sure about TP, as I delete all dual recorded activities.

Sorry, Zwift also goes through Strava. This works fine. Yesterday Edge recorded race did upload fine but it seems the problem is that if I ride a gps track on the edge then the upload does not work. If I manually create a ride in Intervals calender and want to import the GC downloaded fit I get the mentioned error message.
Thanks all!