Smartphone running app to follow workout created in Intervals?

A bit off topic but is there anyone aware if a running app on Android/iOS would exist that would take a workout planned in Intervals and then provide audio guider instructions to the runner to execute, and then record the activity as a FIT file you can then import and analyze? For example Strava cannot take a workout to follow, and only if you use a smart watch you can have structured workout so my question is what if someone just have a phone?

First off. You can check the /SETTINGS page. There’s a lot of apps linked to intervals and can do what you’re seeking.

Quite a few of the developers are active here as well.

There’s also a couple of threads talking about these apps. Have a quick search.

You’re after a RUN app specifically?
When you say voice guided. What exactly do you mean? Some apps can speak out the text for the particular interval. Like “now do 8min at 80% threshold pace. Run with high cadence”

Yes for runners and specifically beginner level so can be mixing walk/run in same workout. So from Intervals I’d have list of athletes then able to send simple workouts to their app and they would execute the session and I’d get the results in Intervals. Speaking to few people I’m actually not sure it does exist. In term of audio guide typically the runner would have airpod and press start and then just follow/hear the instructions in his own language.

I’ve used runkeeper prev which I know has spoken audio. But that’s just things like “1km pace 5:30 85bpm” for like every 30s. But I’m not sure that’s what you want.

You want more like cues like in a bike workout.

  • Run Fast with cadence 180spm 10m 85% pace

Yes Runkeeper but cannot import workout from external otherwise would be ideal this is the app I recommend to use to beginners I coach.

Hi @ohmax you can give this a go to see if it fits your needs. It has voice cues support.

if you were to create a workout that has cues

I think when i coded these, I made it such that these cues will be announced.

Note: To switch to RUN profile, long press the Start Button.

Thanks for your feedback it looks oriented on cycling and available on iOS only.
Looking for running app and available also on Android.

Yes. iOS only.
Running is also supported, both indoor and outdoors(w GPS)

I’m open to improving it for running. Do let me know and i’ll do my level best to get it done

FYI: Long Press Start Button to change to the diff profiles.
tap on the screen (the metrics area) to change the display. (1)

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Many thanks for the confirmation so that’s 1 app found :slight_smile: Just need to find equivalent for Android.

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