[TODO] Share Activity Link and Social Media Share

Every now and then I’d like to share my activity with a non-Intervals user. I realize there is a share button that lists friends on Intervals or gives the option to invite someone to Intervals. It would be nice to be able to share an activity page (available to anyone with the link) possibly without all the working menus on the left.

Then taking this a step further (not that I’m big on over-sharing my data) by being able to publish a pretty snapshot of the workout graph to social media (FB/Insta) with that same link mentioned above. I’d think this would also help bring more potential users to Intervals.


Tx. These are good ideas and have been on the todo list for some time (along with a public profile page, public links to plans etc.). Somewhat tricky to implement which is why that hasn’t happened yet :frowning:


+1, it’s a huge pain to share activities right now in general, not intervals specific. TR requires a login, Strava can’t unless your profile is completely public… just want an unlisted link that can show anyone an activity :slight_smile:

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Any update ? Just came across the same issue (a friend shared their activity publicly via garmin connect and would be great to do the same with intervals, especially now that TPs and workouts can be shared) :smiley: .


I’d be happy with just giving a link to someone for them to look at my activity (e.g. when posting an activity on a forum), without making my profile public.

(Not saying that it’s easy to implement, but probably simpler than social media profile, which I personally wouldn’t use - there’s strava for that)


+1, Could be a supporter feature :wink:
as for an intermediate solution:

  • Maybe it’s possible to export single charts/areas to a picture to have something shareable without screenshot hassle
  • include a printing stylesheet that hides the sidebar and some controls for a neat output.
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Can we get an option to share a workout via link?

Do you mean a planned workout or completed activity?

For me it would be a completed activity :smiley:

I do have this on the list and am keen to get it done. It is more complicated that it appears because I need to limit this to just the data associated with the activity i.e. not show power vs last 42 days and so on because that would expose way more stuff.