Running: wrong lap tempo zones

I ran one lap with a 5:40 pace (zone 2) but needed to stop at some red lights. I always pressed pause when I waited at a red light. Intervals now says I ran with a 6:19 pace (zone 1) because it only shows the elapsed time but not the moving time. Can I fix it so it takes the moving time and not the elapsed time because otherwise my zones are just wrong?

Can you please message me a link to that activity. I might be able to do something about this. Tx. now uses recording time to calculate average speed for intervals when distance is available. Recording time is the time the device was recording for i.e. not stopped. You need to do Actions → Reprocess file to update old activities. I already did that for the run you sent me.

I also added “Recording time” to the list of interval fields.

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For clarity: I see there is (from

moving_time.  	    :	3852 = Time Spent Moving (Never pressing pause. will calc actual moving time based on x criteria)
elapsed_time	    :	3877 = Time between Pressing START and STOP of an activity (wall clock)
icu_recording_time	:	3876 = Recording time is the time the device was recording for i.e. not stopped (Essentially, how is this diff from elapsed time?)

Or You’re saying that now for intervals, instead of using elapsedTime or Moving Time to calculate pace, will now use recording time (time spent in an interval where the pause button is not pressed - eg: Minus out Traffic light manual pause presses)

Recording time will only be used on Interval calculations for Speed / Pace?

When I pull from this API EP, I don’t see recording time. Not there yet or i don’t need to care as it will be auto calculated and populated into PACE field?

Will there be any other item being changed? eg: VAM (right now I’m using elapsed time)


The interval field is called moving_time in the API. Before this change it was always equal to elapsed_time. Now for intervals moving_time = elapsed_time - not_recording_time (paused time).

Speed / pace = distance / moving_time. If distance is not available then it is the average of all the velocity data points.

Gradient adjusted pace doesn’t change. That uses the average of the gradient adjusted velocity points as before.

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Nice thank you so much it works perfectly now

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I am still seeing issues with this: on my last activity, where I pressed the pause button on the watch many times (my friend was not in a good shape :grin: ) the intervals are showing the slower pace based on the total recording time. Also on the intervals table I have activated the “Elapsed Time” rather than the “Recording Time” and the value displayed is the total time spent on that interval

Hmm okay I think that is a setting issue because I see the total recording time and the pace of the intervall. You just need to activate tempo and recording time in the settings

what settings are you referring to, please?