could the % planned workout be added to the weekly summary on the left (and the summary panel)?
That would allow tracking of workout compliance over time and give you a clue about whether or not your (TrainerRoad) FTP is set too low or too high or whether you’re making progress. e.g., I feel I’m getting stronger and can now consistently bump my workouts to 103 -105%, but next ramp test is only in a couple of weeks. This signals I should at least try harder on that next test
sure, but why have ‘AI that works for most’ make decisions for you, when you have all the data at your disposal (including your internal data) and should be perfectly positioned to make such decisions yourself? Not bashing, just providing a bit of opposition against the upcoming era of ‘lets have computers decide how we should feel’.
That’s not what Xert does, or is about, but Xert certainly helps avoid the situation you are describing. If you do a little reading on the subject and Xert’s methods, you may find there’s more to it than just an AI deciding for you. Not particular to Xert, but to all (such) platforms and training programs: YOU are always in control.