Notes description editions not being saved


I added a note to the calendar called Build, set dates to next 3 months and wrote something in the description. After saving, I wanted to edit the description part, which I did, clicked save, but after rechecking, no changes were saved. Nothing very urgent, but would be great if you could fix it. Other than that, is just pure awesome!


Tx. I just tried this and I could add notes with descriptions, edit the description and everything saved. Do you mind trying it again? If it does fail try figure out what you did differently?

Thanks for quick reply!
That’s weird, I just tried to edit the description and again nothing happened. But after I manually refreshed page, the edits appeared and now I can edit and see changes right away, without the need of refreshing.
Maybe browser thing? I’m on Mac/Safari.

Anyways, happy that it works, thanks again!

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