I’ve got vastly different FTPs for cycling and rowing. Rowing is less than half my cycling. Thank you for adding power for other activity types, by the way.
I plot both FTP and eFTP on the Fitness page. Every time I have a rowing activity, it shows the rowing FTP. I get a huge dip until my next cycling activity. Running doesn’t change anything because I don’t measure power. Other than the visual distraction, I completely lose the detail on my cycling eFTP because of the scaling necessary to fit my rowing FTP on the graph.
Short term fix might be to ignore FTPs of activities that you don’t estimate FTP for. Long term might to have FTP graphs for each activity type.
Especially when your indoor FTP is different from your outdoor FTP. You wind up being “fresh” on days where you are clearly still fatigued. In my case there exists about a 30W difference in power between indoors and outdoors. Today my form is +2% (with sore legs) but no way in hell can I ride another 3 - 4 hrs like I rode last night…not without digging the hole deeper…which would really be unwise considering threshold and Vo2 are up next.
I have added FTP, eFTP, FTP/kg and eFTP/kg to the things you can plot on custom charts on the /fitness page. So now you can make an FTP chart only for indoor rides or only rowing etc… I am still doing more work on this but that part is live already.