Multi select on 'Intervals Data' page

Hi @david

After a micro interval session, if I want to label all the recovery intervals as ‘recovery’, it looks to me like I have to do that one by one. A bit of a nuisance when you could have as much as 30 micro intervals.
Would it be possible to add a multi select option so I can select all recovery intervals at once and label them all at the same time?

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Deleting on the chart view is quick and easy. Move mouse cursor over interval and press ´d´.

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@MedTechCD Thanks for that tip. Works a treat. Couldn’t ever figure how to get that DEL(D) to work until you posted above

Don’t go bumping your head against the wall :face_with_head_bandage: for overlooking this, but these options are quite visible…

Oh I see the options and always have. I just had no idea how the del worked. I remember weeks ago pressing d but nothing happening :joy::joy:. But now that I know how it all seems so simple. Like most things, easy when you know how