I just noticed a couple of discrepancies in the way Load Totals are displaying
For today I had two planned workouts (load total 8), and I’ve completed one (yoga, load 5). The completed one has been matched against the plan (shown by the 166% - it was a bit harder than expected). The Daily Load Total is including both planned activities for today plus the completed workout (total 13). I would have expected it to show the completed, plus the planned walk later. That is the matched plan should drop out of the daily total, so it should show 10 as the total
The weekly total seems to be the opposite - it seems to be ignoring both planned activities for today. I would have expected it to include the actual completed one, plus the unmatched planned activity for today, giving me a weekly load of 45, not the 40 that is shown.
Edit - thinking about this more, I think this could be summarised as I expected load totals whould be “Actual workouts for the time period [day or week], plus unmatched planned workouts for the time period (provided they are today or in the future)”, but they don’t seem to do this