/Intervals page bug?

this is weird…
I’m looking at the /intervals page. for example I use 30s intervals (±20%) with 0W as power so in theory it should show me all 30s intervals detected. MacBook Pro with 27" monitor attached.

if I use the 90days option it gives me nothing

if I use the 180days option it gives me the correct output with also intervals detected in the past 90 days

If I use the 365days option it gives me nothing

if I use the 730days option it gives me the correct output with also intervals detected in the past 365 days

Strange thing is that yesterday evening, looking at the same thing with my iPad the situation was reversed.
correct output with 90/365days selection, nothing with 180/730days selection

That page was one of the first in the app and it’s a bit buggy. I am planning to do a bunch of work on it soon.

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