Indoor training via garmin headunit with gps off

When I use my garmin headunit with gps function off (when I can’t be bothered to also load up Zwift) , totally screws up my time in zone and as a result also says I only completed 30% of a workout which I actually pretty much aced. The graph shows my workout nicely, but when I go over to the TIZ page, it only reports a total of ±16mins (it was really 42mins)

How can I solve this? It seems as if it needs GPS data + speed to be able to properly calculate time in zones?

Can you please post a link to the activity and I will have a look. Tx.

This is also after trying to use a tool to fix it, so there are datapoints only every 9secs, tomorrow I’ll upload the original activity

@david Hi, I’m wondering if you’ve had the time to look at it yet?

Please post a link to the new activity. Tx.

@david It seems as if my Garmin recorded it with 9 sec intervals for some reason, but that shouldn’t be too big of an issue though should it?

9 sec per point is ok, that just makes it impossible to match laps recorded on a device back to the underlying data. The problem is that there are lots of big gaps in the data. You can see if you download “Streams CSV” on the activity data page.

Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 18.54.37

The dark column is time in seconds.

Those gaps are too big so doesn’t count that time. You can see if you mouse the marker over the chart. It jumps between points.