Included commutes? Despite unchecked box

Since friday my commutes are included in my calendar despite Include commutes are unchecked?

Can you point me at one of your commutes please. Maybe they are no longer marked as such?

Did you upload to Strava and then mark it as a commute? I can see it is a commute on Strava but not on Unfortunately Strava doesn’t send an update to when a ride is marked as a commute. If you click the “Bike” icon on the detail page you can edit it: used to correct these problems by polling Strava when you visited the calendar page after loading the app. Unfortunately I had to remove that for free users to stay inside Strava rate limits.

Thanks for your kind reply David. I use activityfix to automatically mark up my rides the way I want them. Now I understand why there has been a change.

I just have to use the “Bike” icon.

Thanks again! Mats

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