Hello! I have some workouts in my account that are badly formatted. I downloaded them as JSON, applied the required fix (in a program coded by me because it is more than 600 workouts), and now, I want to import them again as JSON.
I’m not able to
Is there any way to convert json to FIT?
If your workouts come from Polar try
No. I have my workouts in intervals. I downloaded it as JSON, applied the fix, and saved it as JSON. Now, I just wanted to import them.
3 November 2023 12:16
Just an idea and I don’t even know if it’ll work but could you import to Golden Cheetah and then export from there as .fit
3 November 2023 16:47
I believe that this is only supported through the API.
Intervals.icu now has a public API for other applications. To use it you need to generate an API key in /settings (look for “Developer Settings” near the bottom). Your API key allows other applications to access your Intervals.icu data. Be careful what you do with it! If you suspect that your key may have been compromised immediately clear or re-generate it.
The API uses basic authentication . The username is “API_KEY” and the password your API key. Example using curl:
$ curl -u API_KEY:1l0nlqj…
There are a couple of examples on that thread on how to create a workout. I’d start by looking at the POST /api/v1/athlete/{id}/workouts