Import Strong data (weightlifting app)

Hello @david,

For weightlifting I’m using Strong [] to:

  • Create workouts (templates)
  • Log workout
  • Track volume per exercise
  • Track estimate 1RM

I was thinking, could this data be imported to to have a complete fitness/load overview (GOAL) and track progress to steer on input (workouts).

The export functionality results in a .csv file with following data fields:
Date Workout Name Duration Exercise Name Set Order Weight Reps Distance Seconds Notes Workout Notes RPE

Could this be imported to calculate per exercise:
Volume: weight x reps
PR progression / 1RM: weight / ( 1.0278 – 0.0278 × reps ) Brzycki formula

Just uploaded an export file to my Dropbox/ folder.

Thank you in advance!



+1 as this is the app I use as well.

I would be open to volunteering some dev work to get a little lifting section implemented.


Strong or Hevy? :stuck_out_tongue: I understand that Hevy is the “new version”?

Didn’t knew of the existance of Hevy.

Most important is the ability to import "strenght’ data and get an holistic overview on this platform. :slight_smile:

Yeah… I was trying to find out something (can’t remember, bad memory) about and on their Reddit topic I found out about Hevy, which is allegedly the “next version”. Pretty similar tbh, and I like it better :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to upload any Strong or Hevy data into or Garmin Connect or even Strava?

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Any update on this? :smiley:

I would also be grateful for some solution.
Maybe for me will be good just connect googles sheet document from google disk where I can put data from my training. One row is for one exercise next row is are 1RM and total weight.
I usually make ma plan in google sheets but for training I use jefit. (I guess they have api).

I will get on this as soon as I can.


I don’t think so. They both allow for CSV export of their data, though.

If you need a tester or someone to shoot ideas with, I’m happy to help. (Also a dev, fwiw.)


I finally got around to trying Hevy and despite being vaporware, I have to say I like Strong better. Hevy maxes out at 7 custom lifts for the free version. I don’t think the social component of Hevy is particularly useful until the app allows users to create a regimen off %max.

Literally all I want is an app that does what Strong does, but allows me to program based on %max. And also have templates with slots for “pick one of these lifts.” Would be an easy way to rotate through accessory lifts.

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Any update to import strength data? The “off-season” is coming. Haha :wink:

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This is seriously cool :slight_smile: I tried a bunch and definitly my favorite. Super cool if you stored the data in a way that it was consumable. Like Sets, Reps and weight and exersize (Squats, deadlift…).

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Hi guys,

A little bit off the “import” subject and if needed we can create a separate thread.

Is someone aware of weightlifting app that on top of things that Strong and Hevy already do performs also:

  1. Have a countdown timer for the active period of a time-based exercise. (Both above have only for the rest period).

  2. Automatically estimate the exercise weight for bodyweight ones based in your informed weight.

  3. Both countdown timers (active and rest) as well series/reps/volume accounting for single side exercises.



Any update on this feature request?

To add on that, the Hevy app has now Strava sync, i.e. they send their data directly to strava and it has quite a structured way to add the whole workout to the workout notes.

So maybe this is a way of how to support a feature like this. If you’d like to see how the structure looks like, you can look into my trainings log - strength is normally on Monday and Friday.

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If you use the HealthFit app, it get´s synced automatically.

Someone why try WL Analysis app or QWIK VBT? They are apps weight lifting analysis for bar path. It is looks quiet good I always thinking about how much I made stress for my body or Training Load. And I guess this should be good start point. It calculate force but I know is not much to precision. If you don´t have free 700€ for barbell power meter this metod can be helpful.

What app is this? Searching for Health Fit in the Play store brings up a lot of apps but I’m not sure which one would sync Strong workouts.

Has anyone found an app for relatively simple sync to Intervals?