[SOLVED] How to delete workout no longer in Strava?

I have an older workout with bogus data (3 min/mi run!!). I thought by deleting in Strava i would clean-up Intervals.icu. Not the case. The Intervals.icu workout persists and now i can’t delete because the Strava workout is missing.

How do I delete the Intervals.icu workout?

You can’t Delete it manually in intervals.icu? I always do that cos I dual record my rides.

Apparently not, if you have deleted the workout in Strava. When I try to delete it gives me an error message, indicating it can’t find the Strava workout.

It gives an error message, but does it delete the workout in intervals.icu? If it does, then you likely can ignore it.

Strava’s T&C dictates that if you disconnect the link (strava ↔ intervals.icu) then intervals.icu is obligated to remove all (strava sourced) workouts. However ,it looks like you’re only trying to remove One. Hence, this shouldn’t be the issue.

I’m sorry this wasn’t clear.

  1. Deleted workout in Strava
  2. Workout persists in Intervals.icu
  3. Attempt to delete workout in Intervals.icu
  4. Intervals.icu generated the error message that it could not delete because the Strava activity wasn’t present.

However… with the passage of time, it seems the problem has resolved. Perhaps the Intervals.icu database was behind in synchronizing with Strava.


I’ve run into this. Next time try refreshing your Intervals browser page after deleting the ride in Strava.

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Will just mark it as solved until it returns, then you can try Theo’s suggestion and see what is what

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