Historic fitness

Hello All. Hope your’e well. Quick question, December 2021 to April 2022 I didn’t bother with a power meter or hrm, however I did log on Strava, None of these rides uploaded to Intervals.icu for some reason, anyway no big deal I started inputting them manually and estimating load so that I could take a loook back at my fitness, however my fitness line hasn’t changed. It just drops for 4 months. Any ideas? Thanks Martin.

You can read here to understand why you only get limited data. Become a supporter and you can download everything.

I am a supporter

Have you paid, as it doesn’t show you as a supporter (purple star next to your profile photo).

I believe so. I signed up a couple of months ago. There is a purple star next to my name.

Just checked. I paid in October

If you are a supporter, then go to settings, then scroll to the Strava block and select “Download old data”. You should be able to download all data.

Thanks. I’ll give it a go. Why won’t it work manually?

Strava has tough rate limits and they aren’t giving out any increases, not matter how many users Intervals.icu has. So I had to make some things less robust and automatic to save on API calls.

I don’t know why you were missing the purple star here, you have it now. Tx.

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All sorted. Thanks