One thought regarding GAP. I was looking for how Coros calculates it and came across this interesting post, which highlights how individualization matters: Individualization matters: the gradient adjusted pace model of Kilian Jornet - PickleTech
It would be quite interesting to have a similar model here as well, individualized based on the athlete history instead of just the ‘average’.
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Be carefull! Coros uses Effort Pace, and this is an alternative to running power. It is ´more´ then GAP. It looks more related to Power then GAP and you should not compare to Intervals GAP (which uses the Strava model)
I have over 1 year of data and trying to make a comparison between GAP, Effort Pace and Power.
At this moment I think Coros uses Effort Pace in a very similar way as Power and they just try to avoid problems with trademarked algorithms from Garmin/Stryd.
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