Garmin Strava duplicate handling for indoor activities

Apologies if that was unclear. I was agreeing with the idea that merge would be awful. I think auto-correct took the word from “sink” as in “time sink” as in “horrible waste of time” to “sync” as in "I work on AnkiDroid and help users all the time with ‘sync’ problems so my autocorrect is polluted :slight_smile:

in short: merge sounds really really difficult / some filtering is hopefully easy and I’d be pleased with it

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In the meantime I switched for keeping the garmin file instead of the strava one. And I definitely see the advantages as I have many Connect IQ fields.

I also think that merging the files would be really tough (I did that a few times with fitfilerepairtools and it needs a lot of ressources I think). Anyway, I am only missing distance and elevation in my garmin file. I don‘t need the stream, just the summary.

Maybe it‘s possible to pull only the summary data of distance and elevation from the strava file? (Similiar to the name of the activity)

That´s a piece of cake with Gotoes. And possibly an alternative because Intervals can already extract those values. Then you would only need a way to copy it from one to the other.

I have added support for Garmin download filtering by activity type:

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 15.36.54

Please be careful. Garmin does not allow duplicate calls to fetch old data so you cannot recover from incorrectly excluding activity types using the download old data button. If this happens you will need to manually download the FIT files from Garmin Connect and upload them on the calendar page.


Thank you very much David for the quick implementation. is such an amazing tool - really great work! Thanks

I will test it the next days.

Amazing! Thank you and duly noted on the potential pitfalls. I’ll also add to the chorus of support. This site is amazing, both in its capacity and its responsiveness. Thank you David!

Many thanks for your quick response, David. I think the filter is useful in many cases.

For me personally, I see the advantage of the garmin file because of many IQ-fields etc now.
I wonder if you could pull distance and elevation from the strava file just like the name? I manually changed it in my files for a few months now. I wonder also how it is possible that I see the strava segments of my zwift ride in my garmin file?

First zwift ride where I did a dual record today since you implemented this

Configured the filter, did the dual, and with the new filtering in place where I personally do not take garmin virtual rides, I no longer have any cleanup to do in after a dual record zwift session.

This really helped my workflow by taking one of the fiddly bits out of it! Much appreciated!

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