Fitness underestimated vs RPE

Is there a way to edit workouts to make them match my actual RPE?

This weekend I did two 8 hour days with heavy bike packing gear. It was mostly in Z1 with some spikes of high HR and the actual moving time was really more like 4.5h a day with all the stopping with the group and site seeing.

But now, the fitness graph shows I’m fresh in the blue. However I was pretty exhausted the day after and 2 days after when I had intervals planned I was tired to get them done.

Is there anything I can do to make the graph match what I’m feeling closer? Or give more weight to things that might take more muscle even though the heart rate is low

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I would just manually adjust the load up a little bit.

If this is something you will be doing frequently you could experiment of using a different activity type and then in settings creating a separate group for it and adjust the zones.

[quote=“Ben, post:2, topic:69125”]
using a different activity type and then in settings creating a separate group for it and adjust the zones.[/quote]

how would you do this?
I don’t see an option to edit the load in the sections

if you scroll down further in settings you can set fitness and fatigue, but there is no load column

What @Ben is trying to say is that you could create a separate Activity type with different settings. You could use Gravel Ride or MTB for example and set your HR zones differently, which will influence Load. Maybe HRSS gives you something better iso Time In HR zones, but you need resting HR to use it. And you would need to log your BikePacking activities as that new Activity type.
You could also experiment with S-RPE which is Session RPE and returns a number that multiplies the number of minutes from a session with your RPE score. Or use TRIMP?

If one of those reflects better your feeling, you would still need to adjust load manually by typing that value in the Load box.