I love all the new filtering capabilities being added to the platform! I am finding them tremendously useful in getting down to the information I need to analyze. However, when I then want to look at a different set or slice of data I have to reset the filters to show the other information. For example, differentiating between run and bike activities or activities of different durations or intensities, etc.
I find myself switching between these different views of the data fairly frequently and would find it very useful to be able to save a filter configuration set and easily switch between them. Maybe something like the ‘seasons’ functionality currently available on the platform?
Anyway, it’s a first world problem for sure, but it would be useful. While I am at it, it would also be great to extend the filtering capability to the ‘Compare’ page …
Hi Guys, I also come across this today, for example below I was looking at HRV wellness fields and it would be great if I could save this as a filter, then when I look at Cycling I want to see my Power data, Heart Rate, Cadence etc, so would be great if we could save Filters to easily create views that you want to view and compare different data.