Explanation below the fitness chart

Is it just me, in any browser I’ve tried (on my Mac at least) or is it impossible to read the bottom lines below the Fitness page charts, without an activity covering part of it?

I’ve moved the cursor to either end of the chart, but in that case, the first or the last activity will cover the lines…

It is possible to hide the popover, but it is difficult indeed

Cyclopaat: move the cursor to a day without any activities. That might be difficult in your case …


Or, ask David to put the explanations in an optional pop-up.
Most do not read them, those of us who do, cannot remember them, and those who can do that, probably knew it already …

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Unfortunately, I don’t have any :joy:

Unfortunately, my OCD doesn’t like these kind of things :joy: I get out of my way to avoid them when I design a site, even though I know what you say is (mostly) true.

I sympathise, Robert. The pages have gotten a little cluttered. This is despite the fact that the fitness page only occupies about 2/3 of my page.

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Brilliant! You just gave @david a simple to implement solution :joy: After all, he just introduced ‘taller charts’ option, which makes the chart occupy more space on the screen.

However, if the daily workout details still keep scrolling over the text, this option won’t help much, so he will have to figure out something to solve that :joy:

Maybe Kim is onto something then, or a combination of both…

Actually, Robert, there is another issue: on 2 May, I had 5 activities [none of them very long, I should add]. Such multi-activity days mean that the moving activity listings occupy a variable number of lines.

Kim might be the smart one here.

He usually is, although he often loses me when elaborating :joy:

On the positive side: if you have activities that contain enough intervals, you won’t even miss that there’s a text :joy: